Sign up to Volunteer!

Get Involved & Help Out

VTSTRA relies on volunteers to maintain active engagement within our communities! We are currently seeking volunteers for the following positions:

VTSTRA Chapter Leaders - While VTSTRA stays focused on state-level initiatives, Chapter Leaders hone in on what’s happening locally. Chapter Leaders are volunteers who are committed to staying up-to-date on the STR issues and regulation proposals in their town and municipality and help engage their local community in the fight to protect STRs from restrictive regulations.

Board of Directors Officers - Submit an application to serve on the VTSTRA Board of Directors. Directors are elected annually by Host Members. Email completed application and resume to:

Communications & PR Committee Members - Join a team of marketing and business development professionals committed to helping VTSTRA expand and advance its membership base, public relations, social media marketing, and outreach communications.

Policy & Advocacy Committee Members - Join a team of enthusiasts committed to helping VTSTRA engage in the political process across the state and advocate for our rights as STR hosts. Concerned about a specific policy that’s affecting your STR business? This is the committee for you!

Host Member Services Committee Members - Join a team committed to helping VTSTRA develop and implement a suite of valuable services for Vermont hosts so we can continue to provide host members with the tools and resources they need to run responsible and profitable businesses in Vermont.

Website Development Committee Members - Join a team of website developers and tech-savvy folks committed to helping VTSTRA expand and develop its website and technology capabilities so we can operate more efficiently and effectively.

Sign up to Volunteer!

Please use the form below to let us know what your skills are and what type of opportunity you are interested in.